One Room Challenge/ Week 2: Micro Office

Hi everyone!

Not too much progress on the office this week. Head to One Room Challenge Blog to see everyone else progress! You can also check last weeks post at One Room Challenge/ Week 1: Micro Office for a little more background!

Had a few meetings, one with an electrician and one with a carpenter. So that is invisible progress, at the very least! Electrician didn’t give me great news but I never expect great news when it comes to this house. Essentially, we will be putting the wiring on the surface of the wall and using something called electrical molding to cover it up so I’ll just paint over that and live with it. It is what it is.

My friends at From our Heart and Home stopped by to chat about the desk. It seems pretty straightforward and is to be really great with nice clean lines. If you saw my Instagram, I picked up some Burl Wood veneer that will be covering the desk. I landed on Burl Wood not just because I love the texture it adds but because it brings in the color of the existing dental molding. I knew I didn’t want to paint the molding (what a pain) and I knew I didn’t want to sand it to stain it so I decided this is the best way to work with it. The burl wood has these touches of red in the knots along with these light colors that swirl around and give it almost a 3d look!

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I settled on a white from Sherwin-Williams called Alabaster and will start wall repair after the elcertican comes then get some pain on these walls!

The floors still need some work before they get painted and I am a little nervous about my bookcase situation! Anyone else scared to order from Ikea right now?!?

I hate that this week wasn’t more eventful, but thank you for stopping by!
