One Room Challenge/ Week 6 : Micro Office
Hey yall, here we are, week 6! Go check out what everyone else is doing on the One Room Challenge Blog! Things are moving pretty slow on the office but things are happening, promise.
Last week we tackled electrical, we had the pendant installed outlets moved a new switches installed. It’s not pretty but it’s what I expected.
Since this was the outside of the house, recessing the switches and outlets was going to take much longer and be much more expensive with all crawling under the house, drilling through masonry and just the unexpected. We will paint these the same color as the wall and they will disappear. Im very use to these situations in this house and It doesn’t really phase me.
I moved on to painting the whole space white with a hint of warmth, Alabaster by Sherwin Williams.
I decided to DIY the wall treatment because I can’t afford my own taste. In order to get those dark clean lines I loved on the wallpaper from my plan I deed a THICK paint pen. After consulting with a few artist friends I landed on Montana Markers! They can be purchased at Beacon Supply in Jackson, they also ship! I inleisted my best friend of 28 years to come help me, I tend to overthink things like this and I knew she would get the job done!
One of the things I was nervous about was getting my bookcase from Ikea, thankfully tyler made it up there and it is here! I want it to look as built in as possible so I painted the inside walls of the bookcase that would be touching the walls of the office, with the same paint treatment! It will make the space feel bigger and not like there is just a big dark hole in the corner, I can’t wait to put it together!
Im still undecided on my ceiling color. it will come to me, in time. I just home it is IN time for this challenge!
One more thing, I just want to thank all of yall for coming to read this. It means the world and I hope to see you back next week!